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Effects of Chronic Stress on our Health

Busy and stressed has come to be almost a constant state for many today. When I greet people and ask how they are doing, there are two extremely common answers that I hear; something about being busy and some comment about being stressed out or barely getting by or something similar, usually in a joking manner. Is it really a joke and why/how has it become a joke? It is easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of endless streams of things to do and places to be, constant onslaught of news and media keeping only the problems of the world constantly in your face, dissolving boundaries between home and work life, an ongoing pandemic driving increasing social isolation, and the expectations of being online and available 24/7. Many have little to no time to relax and refresh their minds in their average day or they don't utilize free time to do so.


What is the effect of all of this stress all of the time?


All of this stress can have a profound effect on one's health and wellbeing. Stress has a way of contributing to and worsening most diseases or conditions and can even cause disease on its own. The human body is an amazingly resilient machine that is capable of enduring tremendous amounts of stress. However, like any machine, if it is stressed continuously and for too long the machine will start to wear and break down. You can push your car's engine to its limits now and then without issue, but if you drive it like that daily something is going to break. Race cars, being driven in this way, have just about every part of the engine replaced at least once throughout a single racing season. Unlike mechanical machines, the body and mind have the ability to repair itself. Yet, when the stress is constant the body and mind never get the chance to recover and we sure aren't being taken care of like a race car, having our parts replaced at the first sign of wear. Without regular respite from the stress our bodies and minds begin to wear and break down in one way or another. 



Image by Luis Villasmil
Image by Taylor Heery

Cultivating Happiness in the Face of Stress

How can a coach possibly help me manage stress in my chaotic life?


Together we will analyze the sources of stress in your life and separate them into ones that you can and cannot control or influence. Sources of stress within your control we will look at ways of eliminating or reducing them. We will also look at the ways that you currently manage stress to reveal if they are effective methods or if they are adding additional stress. 


I can't possibly eliminate all sources of stress and still live a normal life...


The reality for most people, however, is that the sources of stress within your control are only a small part of the picture, leaving the majority of sources unable to be changed or eliminated. The most important aspect to learn when it comes to managing stress is that you are always in control of how you react to external stress. Reacting in unhelpful ways can quickly turn external stress into spiraling internal stress. Taking back control of your internal dialogue and thoughts can stop external stress in its tracks. You can create your own personal inner sanctuary that can get you through any storm. 


This of course is no easy task. It takes work to actually put into practice. There are numerous methods and techniques out there to achieve this. I do not swear by any specific technique as I believe they all ultimately work towards the same goal and that this, like everything else with wellness, is a deeply personal path. I will work with you and your own personal interests and preferences to discover what works best for you in your unique circumstances. I believe that being able to maintain a level of inner peace in the face of external challenges is almost like a superpower, but one that everyone has access to. I believe that we all have this ability. Although many have forgotten how to use it, I am confident that anyone can achieve their superpower and find happiness, even in the chaos of this world. 


"To experience peace does not mean that your life is always blissful. It means that you are capable of tapping into a blissful state of mind amidst the normal chaos of a hectic life."

ADAPT Certified Funcional Health Coach (A-CFHC)


I am not a licensed medical physician. As a coach I am not providing health care, medical, or therapy services or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issue. 

The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek advice from your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before undertaking a new health regimen.

Do not disregard medical advice or delay seeking medical advice because of information you read on this website. Do not start or stop any medications without speaking to your medical or mental health provider.

© 2022 by Kyle Bonbrake. Proudly created with

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